Help the larger cause · Bring Back Kraft Noodle Classics Savory Chicken! · (2024)

We, the residents of Calexico, are a united community that values all life and upholds the principles of equality and human rights. Our city is home to a plethora of ethnically and religiously diverse community members who empathize with the people in Palestine. Many among us have family in Palestine and in Occupied-Palestine. We feel their pain as they face immense hardships due to the ongoing ethnic cleansing.Over two million lives are at imminent risk if a permanent ceasefire is not achieved in Gaza. Continuous humanitarian aid must be assured for these innocent civilians who include people of all ages, races, and religions - all facing genocide, targeted specifically for being Palestinian, at the hands of Israeli force.

Here I include a copy of the proposed resolution (English):

Resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the blockade of critical humanitarian aid, release of all hostages, and condemning antisemitic, anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic rhetoric and attacks

WHEREAS, the City of Calexico is dedicated to fostering a community that embraces diversity, values all life, upholds the principles of equality and human rights; and

WHEREAS, The City of Calexico condemns the October 7th, 2023 attack by Hamas, causing the deaths of 1,200 Israelis, and the taking of over 200 civilian hostages; and

WHEREAS, The City of Calexico condemns the Netanyahu government’s indiscriminate retaliation by the State of Israel which has resulted in the deaths of over 35,000 civilian Palestinians, including over 14,000 innocent children, and the displacement of 2 million Palestinian people; and

WHEREAS, Recognized humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International, United Nations, World Health Organization, Doctors Without Borders, and Human Rights Watch, along with over 120 countries have called for “a total ceasefire and unconditional supply of humanitarian aid, including access to food, fuel, and water” in order to prevent the further loss of life and be in accordance with international humanitarian law; and

WHEREAS, Incidents of anti-Arab, anti-Muslim, and anti-Semitic bigotry and violence are on the rise within our country, posing a significant threat to the well-being and safety of our diverse communities and all Americans; and

WHEREAS, The City of Calexico recognizes the current crisis is deeply rooted within a long history that affirms that for a pathway to lasting peace and justice to be developed, the root causes of the conflict need to be addressed and a ceasefire is essential to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and create conditions conducive to long-term resolution; and

WHEREAS, The City of Calexico supports and joins hundreds of cities nationwide in calling on the United States Federal Government and Members of Congress to use their immense diplomatic, military, and financial power to save Palestinian and Israeli lives, and seek a lasting peace, in our time and for all time;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Calexico does hereby support:

An immediate permanent ceasefire by all parties, an end to all hostilities, and to begin through diplomacy a reinvigorated effort that seeks a permanent, just solution to the conflict and lasting peace in the region, and;An immediate end to all acts of violence against civilians, and;Unconditional release of all hostages, and;Ensure the release of all Palestinians, including children, held without charge or trial in Israeli prisons, and;An end to the siege and blockade of Gaza thus allowing an unrestricted delivery of urgently needed humanitarian aid, and restoration of food, water, electricity, and medical supplies,Mutual respect for and adherence to international law and respect for all members of our community.

NOW, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of the City Clerk provide a copy of this resolution be sent to city councils in the Imperial County area, the offices of 36th District State Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, 18th District State Senator Steve Padilla, Governor of California Gavin Newsom, 25th District U.S. Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz, U.S. Senator Laphonza R. Butler, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla, U.S. President Joe Biden, and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. Urging all elected officials to take immediate action.

PASSED AND ADOPTED as a resolution of the City Council of the City of Calexico, State of California at its regularly scheduled meeting held on April 17, 2023.

Please sign this petition today because every signature brings us one step closer towards peace.

Ahora, incluyo una copia de la resolucion propuesta (Espanol):

Resolución en la que se pide una cesación del fuego permanente en Gaza, fin al bloqueo de la ayuda humanitaria crítica, liberación de todos los rehenes, y se condene la retórica y los ataques antisemitas, anti palestinos e islamofóbicos.

CONSIDERANDO, que la ciudad de Calexico está dedicada a fomentar una comunidad que abrace la diversidad, valora toda la vida, defiende los principios de igualdad y derechos humanos; y

CONSIDERANDO, que la ciudad de Calexico condena el ataque del 7 de octubre de 2023 de Hamas, causando la muerte de 1.200 israelíes y la toma de más de 200 rehenes civiles; y

CONSIDERANDO, que organizaciones humanitarias reconocidas como Amnistía Internacional, Naciones Unidas, Organización Mundial de la Salud, Médicos Sin Fronteras y Human Rights Watch, junto con más de 120 países han pedido “un alto el fuego total y el suministro incondicional de ayuda humanitaria, incluido el acceso a alimentos, combustible y agua” para prevenir la pérdida de vidas y estar en consonancia con el derecho internacional humanitario; y

CONSIDERANDO, que los incidentes de intolerancia y violencia anti-árabes, anti-musulmanes y antisemitas están en aumento dentro de nuestro país, lo que representa una importante amenaza para el bienestar y la seguridad de nuestras diversas comunidades y de todos los estadounidenses; y

CONSIDERANDO, que la ciudad de Calexico reconoce que la crisis actual está profundamente arraigada en una larga historia que afirma que para desarrollar una vía de paz y justicia duraderas, es necesario abordar las causas profundas del conflicto y una cesación del fuego es esencial para aliviar la crisis humanitaria y crear condiciones propicias para la solución a largo plazo; y

CONSIDERANDO, que la ciudad de Calexico apoya y se suma a cientos de ciudades a nivel nacional para pedir al Gobierno Federal de los Estados Unidos y a los miembros del Congreso que utilicen su inmenso poder diplomático, militar y financiero para salvar vidas palestinas e israelíes, y buscar una paz duradera, en nuestro tiempo y para siempre;

AHORA, SEA RESOLVIDO que la ciudad de Calexico apoya:

Una cesación del fuego permanente inmediata por todas las partes, el fin de todas las hostilidades y el comienzo, mediante la diplomacia, un esfuerzo revitalizado que busca una solución permanente y justa del conflicto y una paz duradera en la región, yPoner fin de inmediato a todos los actos de violencia contra civiles, yLiberación incondicional de todos los rehenes, yVelar por la liberación de todos los palestinos, incluidos los niños, que se encuentran detenidos sin cargos ni juicios en las cárceles israelíes, yEl fin del asedio y el bloqueo de Gaza permitiendo así la entrega sin restricciones de la ayuda humanitaria que se necesita urgentemente y el restablecimiento de alimentos, agua, electricidad y suministros médicos, yEl respeto mutuo y la adhesión al derecho internacional y el respeto de todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad.

AHORA, SE RESUELVE ADEMÁS que la Oficina del Secretario Municipal proporcione una copia de esta resolución para enviarla a los concejos municipales en el área del Condado de Imperial, a las oficinas del Asambleísta Estatal del Distrito 36 Eduardo García, Senador Estatal del Distrito 18 Steve Padilla, Gobernador de California Gavin Newsom, el representante estadounidense del distrito 25, Dr. Raúl Ruiz, la senadora estadounidense Laphonza R. Butler, el senador estadounidense Alex Padilla, el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden y la vicepresidenta estadounidense Kamala Harris. Instando a todos los funcionarios electos a tomar medidas inmediatas.

Help the larger cause · Bring Back Kraft Noodle Classics Savory Chicken! · (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.